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 1. High School Girls Softball  Chesterton at CP-Softball 11th&12th-Inning 05-04-07  www.USA-365.com 
 2. High School Girls Softball  Chesterton at CP-Softball 1st&2nd-Inning 05-04-07  www.USA-365.com 
 3. High School Girls Softball  Chesterton at CP-Softball 5th&6th-Inning 05-04-07  www.USA-365.com 
 4. Martin Tillman, Michael Hoppe  Gold Leaves, for G. K. Chesterton  The Poet: Romances for Cello 
 5. Martin Tillman, Michael Hoppe  Gold Leaves, for G. K. Chesterton  The Poet: Romances for Cello 
 6. 126 - ST2 G.K.Chesterton Fathe  126 ST2 G.K.Chesterton Father Brown Der Pfeil aus dem Himmel 1   
 7. 129 - ST2 G.K.Chesterton Fathe  129 ST2 G.K.Chesterton Father Brown Der Pfeil aus dem Himmel 2   
 8. WMUL-FM  Softball gets first win at new Dot 4-10-08  Newscenter 88 
 9. Kyle Campbell  USF Softball vs Minnesota   
 10. WMUL-FM  Softball wins 2 of 3 against UAB 4-14-08  Newscenter 88 
 11. Kyle Campbell  USF Softball vs Minnesota   
 12. Kyle Campbell  USF Softball vs Minnesota   
 13. WMUL-FM  Softball needs alarm clock 3/20/08   
 14. Danny Rabinowitz and Kyle Campbell  USF Softball vs North Florida   
 15. Danny Rabinowitz and Kyle Campbell  USF Softball vs North Florida   
 16. WMUL-FM  What's in store for softball next week 3/21/08   
 17. Danny Rabinowitz and Kyle Campbell  USF Softball vs North Florida   
 18. WMUL-FM  Marshall Softball's Disappointing Weekend 3-31-08  Newscenter 88 
 19. Kyle Campbell  USF Softball vs Florida Gulf Coast   
 20. WMUL-FM  Herd Softball Sweeps #24 Ohio State 4-3-08  Newscenter 88 
 21. WMUL-FM  Marshall softball to open up new Dot Hicks Field 3/14/08   
 22. Dr. Biberfeld  After September 11th   
 23. One Man  One Man - 11th March  RINSE FM PODCAST 
 24. Brother Jim Schultz  September 11th  The Best of MP3.COM Part III 
 25. Lee Konitz-Ohad Talmor Big Band  September 11th  Portology 
 26. Lamb Of God  11th Hour  Freddy Vs Jason   
 27. MC Eric B  11th Anniversary Rap  Nerdcore Superstar 
 28. How It Ends  11th & Arch  Beloved 
 29. Ben Harper And The Blind Boys Of Alabama  11Th Commandment  There Will Be A Light   
 30. Cubik & Origami  11th Hour  Slept In On Doomsday 
   1 2 3 4    »
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